Flower,neither boring, nor ridiculous, you really should contact your brothers,and kin though,they are going to come through for you. I know it.They have for me. Unfortunately with some of them it has taken 20 years for them to open up and reveal themselves. I have a 44 year old brother who I hated when I was younger,but over the past 12 months he has started opening his doors to me and Ive discovered that he had big issues just like I did. He just wasnt ready to speak until recently.
Nowadays he rolls up on my doorstep at 2am, or suchlike,drunk, and wanting to talk over his issues.Sometimes he comes sober, like yesterday and we talked near on 5 hours about general things.
He is becoming a friend of mine.
I have another brother, younger than me, the family baby,who I see all the time,and his nice wife.I stay there on a regular basis and my own son idolizes his "uncle mark".Both these brothers have helped me out with work and jobs at various times.
Family are USEFUL.
I knew what you meant when you said that your father was a pig but everyone in the congregation thought him a golden god.
Same here. My father was highly admired by men,an Elder that other elders consulted, but to me he was a brute.But in many ways he was a product of the Organization. That organization brings out the worst in people.My father was a sex sleaze as well. He tried to screw my first wife. She told me about it and I was powerless,at the time to react, my 44 year old brother told me the same thing about his wife. When the youngest brother got married (mark) there was an incident at the wedding. During the family photograph shoot the bride suddenly went rigid and gasped out. Mark turned around and saw that our father was stood behind her and he knew what was going down. He just grabbed the old man around the throat and I have never seen such hate on a human face.The old bastard had put his hand on her behind and was fondling her!
Can you believe it?
The friend I was talking about in the first post,the kite story person, is called Rob.
His parents are still in the church,and they see him very seldom.
They came to visit Rob a few months ago now, just rolled up on his door step and they stayed for 9 weeks. During their stay Rob learnt that they were searching his personal possessions and room when he was at work.One evening his parents confronted him with the Bible and a dirty video that they had found in one of his bedside drawers!
He went mad with rage.
The parents were nonplussed and completely convinced they had a right to search his possessions for signs of sinful inclination. The guy is 40 years old and hasnt lived at home for 20 years.
He kicked them out eventually.
They quote the same scriptures at him that, it appears, your oldies quote at you.They seem to be of the opinion that he must obey them, honour them, no matter WHAT they do.Even if they ransack his bedroom
it is okay in Gods eyes because they are his parents.
Sheesh! Maybe I should give you Robbies E mail and you can talk to him.
While they stayed with him, there cropped up an issue about food.
The parents became offended because they felt he wasnt providing the standard of food quality to which the Mother was accustomed.
Rob went thru THEIR bedroom one afternoon (while they were out and after theyd gone thru his room)and he found a suitcase full of delicasies.The parents were secretly consuming desirable foods in the bedroom but would not put them in the fridge, so noone else could have any.
This after they had been sponging off the fat of his generosity for 6 weeks.
I could go on and on....